Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Saturday, 10 December 2011

White Christmas 2011

Christmas decorating this year , will be very different. It's our first year here on beautiful P.E.I in  12 years , and that means a new house to bling up for the holidays.I have never had the option before to decorate a front and back porch and I must say it's double the fun...
This year I really wanted to use birch in my decor , but the problem was I had no place to find it...So  I of course  start to say a little prayer.....Dear Lord you know how much I want birch in my decor this year................I get in my car drive around till I see a near by golf course , and there they were birch trees cut down everywhere , the young guy laughs and said take what you need...Wow was I happy the Lord truly does give us the desires of our hearts , according to his will...  
This little white table was left at our house when we bought it....A fresh coat of white paint  is all it needed...

The covered porch is very nice to have...In the summer I hang white curtains ,  come May or so you will see  how beautiful they look...

I hope you enjoyed some of my outdoor Christmas pics....
                                                             Blessings Lori

White Christmas "Dreaming"

The beauty of white...
 My all white living room...Are you dreaming of a white Christmas yet???        
The letter "C" could stand for our last name , but I think this time of year we will settle for Christ.... 

Gotta love love love the ambience of candles.... 

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

The reindeer was black...a little spray paint & glitter and he is good as new!!!! 

Peace be with you and your family....

I think this is one of my favourite pieces ...... 

The  beautiful  Jeanne' Arc Living  magazine my friend gave me for a gift.....I was lucky enough to get it early...               
                                                            Blessings Lori
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