Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Sunday, 16 September 2012

~ The View ~

For some" STRANGE" reason when I finished this post the pics were not in the proper order...
Hello to you all !!!
 The fall breeze is moving in and it's beautiful here on our lovely Island...
Not to mention all the beautifulness in this post...
For those of you who maybe just visiting this is my "Bestestfriends" home...
She has such a natural gift to make her home well lived in & always a special cosiness you feel from the moment you walk in her front door...
Enjoy your visit...

this white shabby chic cabinet...
It is the "BOMB"
Meaning the best of the best...

 This is one of my favourite pics of her whole house...
So So So
That pink Shabby cupboard is to "DIE" for...
It's gotta be mine if she ever gets tired of it...
Wishful thinking I know...

Be Still
know that I am God...
Love that verse...

This was suppose to be the last pic of this post, to introduce her amazing table...
Say no more...
 I'm speechless...
This pic
Maybe this is my favourite...

Oh the view !!!
She knows how to use just the perfect amount of elements & textures to make her space
 a WOW factor...


An old salvaged door totally makes this little corner...
Objects that are
are always "BEST"...
That's my pointer for the day...

A little news
 I found my new location for my shop...
Praise God
I was getting a little worried...
I have a little bit of the doubting Thomas in me sometimes...
 Guess I'm finished know...

Blessings for a lovely week to you all...

Lori ~

Sunday, 9 September 2012

As Promised!!!

My mouth just dropped when I walked in this room,
with the beautiful on suite bathroom ...

She (Leona) has already made several changes to her space,
she's got it bad...
Loving this mirror...

Simply beautiful, not to mention her view
a little peak of the river ...

She bought at "Timeworn Treasures & Antiques"
The perfect Shabby Chic Architectural piece above the tub...
Oh how I wanted to keep  that piece...

My Favourite!!!

As always the perfect amount of pillows...

at it's best...

The buffet will not be there much longer, she is trying to convince her husband to buy her a french armoire...
Next time I visit it will be there I'm sure if it... 

Next post
The view...
To die for...

May we all be "Blessed" on this day that the Lord has made...
Blessings Lori ~

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

A Shabby Sleep

Well it's late, but I'm really excited about doing this post...
It's my "BESTEST FRIENDS" new home...
My aunt & I went for a visit on the weekend, we had a blast...
Thanks Leona , oh and you to Roger!!!
For a lovely visit...

Best part of the visit this" BED"...
Shabby Chic at it's best...
Waking up in the morning was a chore trying to get this bed made perfect!!!
I did my best...

Her collection of bedding is just overwhelming...
Wish we had a pic of the inside of the closet... 

Loving the vintage frames she chose to put around the room, what a beautiful touch...
And the ghost shade looks so simple, I think I need one too...

Letting a bit of the sunshine in...

Chippy ~
 Shabby ~
 Vintage ~
 Some of my favourite words...
That's how I describe this space...

Little bo bo, don't know why that frame on the table is down...
Oh well...

And a sneak peak of the next post...
Master Bedroom...

Wow that's all I have to say...
Blessings Lori ~

P.S  I think my new space for the shop maybe found, please keep praying ...
Lori ~

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