Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Sunday, 29 July 2012

"SUMMER" Issue

                                                         EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes ~ I'm so so excited to share with you all  that  Jeanne d' Arc Living  magazines have arrived at my shop...
The one little thing that has been missing, these lovely , fantastic, fabulous magazines...
I will be carrying them on a regular basis...
And who knows what else...
I think many of their items would fit into the shop just lovely...  

Just trying to put together a quick post, so I thought the white backdrop of my bedding would work well & I think it did...

20 issues I wonder how long they will take to sell...
They are not very popular yet around here on our little Island , but I think the second they start selling word will get out & everyone will want to tell their family & friends how wonderful & inspiring they are...

They are truly one of a kind decorating magazine...
Very high quality, more like a book I guess...
You most definitely wouldn't be throwing this one out...
Honestly you even hate to lend it out, they are that great... 

This issue even shows you in detail how to make your own mosaic table...

 This summer's most beautiful Homes & Gardens...

This is what I call a piece of furniture...
Shabby Chic or what...
Every page is truly amazing...

I'm so inspired & shook up I can barely take it...
The fact that PEI now has these magazines to offer is something special...
For those of you that may be wondering where you can purchase a copy,
Timeworn Treasures & Antiques now has 20 issues...
19 Richmond St  Ch'Town PEI
Hours  Mon-Sat  11-4pm...

How can I describe this issue????????????

Simply   "PERFECT"

Some very special friends...
Love you guys...
Your copy's are on hold...
Don't panic...
Many Blessings to you and all your loved ones this day from me...


Monday, 16 July 2012

Simple, No-Fuss...

Hi friends sorry , I have been so so busy at the shop...
 Not complaining it's all good just really busy...
I miss blogging on a weekly basis so I will strive for a bi-weekly post...
Hope you enjoy a little visit from my backyard...

Another white pitcher to add to my collection, you can never have enough of them...
Liking the look of the frame it makes a great backdrop for this post...

This lovely shabby chic shelf with just the perfect patina showing, did not last long in the shop, took it there today & guess what it "SOLD" today...
A lady from Toronto, it went to a great home she loved it...

Our backyard is very private, totally surrounded by trees...
We all love it...

Hi, to any of my customers who may be visiting my blog today...

Oh & a little pic of the shop...
This picture is taken in the "Shabby Chic room , my favourite...
The lamp now has a bigger shade...
Bye for now...
Blessings Lori ~

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Drop Leaf !!!

Hello fellow bloggers, I've missed you all so much...
Busy, busy, busy...
But this is very important to me to keep on top of my posts, so I hope you enjoy this...
Blessings Lori ~ 

Well, tomorrow all these items will be in the shop for sale...
This is the forth drop leaf table I've sold & this is my favourite one...
So Shabby Chic she is... 

My aunt picked me up these ironstone platters, they are a must on any wall...
Not to mention there are 6 of them...
A trip to the hardware store for some plate racks and voilà...
I love platters on a wall, they add a little interest / character...

Loving all the white on white...

Has anyone ever told you "WHITE" is always right...

I staged this post outdoors, for you to enjoy...

This shot speaks to me...
How about you???

I have some beautiful vintage hankies at the shop, waiting  to see how creative you can  make your banner...

This speaks to me too !!!
Something about the simplicity I guess...

I hope you are all enjoying your summer...
If you ever get a chance to visit our beautiful Island make sure to visit me at,
19 Richmond St.  Ch'Town PEI
Open  Mon - Sat  11am - 4pm
Sorry closed Sundays...

Blessings to you and all your loved ones...
May our Lord Jesus protect you and his Blessed Mother watch over you always...

Lori ~

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