Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Monday, 4 March 2013

Using Delicate Colors...

I'm going to try & keep this post all about the pics...
My imagination for writing tonight is just not there...
Enjoy your visit...

How can I convince by husband to allow me to rip up the carpet & install white pine boards on the floor...
Any suggestions...

I get it,
 Pray that he will have a change of heart right...

This beautiful
 Vintage "1920"
calendar was at the shop,
then 1 day she just had to come home with me
 She began the inspiration for my little room make-over...

all complements of
"Timeworn Treasures & Antiques"
Basically everything but the bed...

~A little story~

I took the last couple of days off to relax, shop, visit with some friends & just kick back...
Today while visiting the shop I just felt so overwhelmed & grateful for the Blessings I have in my life...
 Your awesome & you fit into the shop just perfectly...
And a huge, big , hug to all my fantastic/friends customers...
You are all the best...
Thanks Lori ~

Would I ever like to get that
white pine floor...
I hope you enjoyed your visit...
Blessings to you & all your love ones...
Lori ~

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