Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Flee-Market Inspiration???Bathroom!!!

Wow I hit a" Gold Mine" on Sunday...$22.00 is what all these little treasures cost me ...So I thought what room could  benefit from these beautiful treasures...And I got my answer when I visited  "French Country Cottage "  Thanks  Courtney...Her bathroom redo got me very excited ,  and I thought why don't I do my own bathroom redo , it really needed one...I used all the items except the green dishes , and I have plans for those...Enjoy

"RELAX"  The dealer had no idea what I would do with that old piece of board ...But  I bet you do!!!

I'm very pleased at how our little bathroom turned out!!! What do you think???

Love Love the bead board in this space...We put it 3/4 up the wall , if we ever moved  I would most definitely do this again... 

This shelf by the way was already in this condition  , I did nothing to it...Bonus

Peaceful!!! May the love of our Lord fill you with peace this day...

When visiting your local grocery store , always look in their floral section for your fresh flower needs , I always luck out getting my flowers for 1/2 price... They always have a small 1/2 price section...Good Luck!!!                                      
 Blessings   Lori

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Awaiting Spring!!!

Pure & Simple...

White on White...

Every single item in this picture was purchased at a yard-sale or flea-market!!! Oh except the white apple blossoms!!! Sorry to say they are not the real thing... 

Lovely though ain't they... 


Warm & Cozy...

A few of my textile finds...

White so Bright...

So Simple...

"White is not a mere absence of color , it is a shining and affirmative thing: as fierce as red  , as definite as black."-G.K Chesterton,English philosopher...
                                                             Blessings to you all !!!    Lori

Thursday, 23 February 2012

"Displaying Your Treasures"

 It always makes more of a statement when you group your collections together...You know what they say three of anything makes a collection...I love white so therefore I love milk glass...GOOD ADVICE!!! Let a collection inspire your color choice for an entire room...This is just a little post for you , pics that I already had saved...The armoire is probably my favourite piece , we keep our T.V in it for now ,  but my husband has informed me that he wants a bigger T.V  so therefore I will have an empty armoire...I do need somewhere to put my collection of vintage finds , linens & things!!!     

And one last picture for you , a little Christmas!!!  Blessings Lori

Monday, 20 February 2012

My Shabby Chic Table !!!

The shabby chic table , that I titled my post today is what inspired me to do another posting back to back for you !!! I hope you enjoy the little details in my pics...

I love to incorporate my faith into my blog...This old picture is our " Lady of Perpetual  Help ". Remember yesterday I said I was going to the flee-market well I did and I bought those two scalloped white platters for $1.00 ...That's what I call a deal... 

My Shabby Chic table , this is a small space in my kitchen that I just did over today and I love it !!! Love the look  of the weathered wood...

"White on White"  "Tone on Tone" This is my all time favourite look!!! 

The twigs are the ones I spray painted...Can't beat a good old can of white spray paint...See where your imagination will take you with a can...

And a full shot from the kitchen , leading into the dining room , then the front entrance , and off into the family room!!! Have a great week everyone!!!  Blessings Lori

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Crisp & Clean Dining Room !

Let's see what adding one intense color can do to an all white theme... I decided to try yellow , for my new dining room look...Enjoy your visit...
       24hrs ago this hutch got a new look , a fresh coat of white paint...It was once espresso in color . Much much better white , I love the crisp , serene , feeling of living with white...
When we renovated our home I convinced my husband to allow me to put up as much beadboarding  as I wanted to...I chose several places in our home and love the way it can transform a space...

I love the simplicity of this picture!!!

Layered dishes...One of my favourite looks... 
The black & white pics are always nice , but in this case I think the colored pics are best...

A little sneak peak from my "Milk Glass" collection...I will be off to the flea-market today to see if I can find more pieces...It's always nice to group your collections together!!! 

St. Joseph pray for us... 
The corner cabinet is one of my favourite yard-sale finds...$10.00 can you imagine !!!

You will see I was lucky (blessed) enough to find two sets of the pom pom curtains at a second hand store . The other set are in my daughters bedroom ...I hope to find more someday...

The yellow forsythia branches makes the dining room bright and cheerful!!!

Another little peak of one collection..."Silver" Very fun to decorate with especially at Christmas...Thank-You so much for stopping by...Have yourself a Blessed day!!!
                                                                       Lori xoxoxo

Monday, 13 February 2012

Welcome "Guest Room"

I really had to give my guest room an up date. So here it is!!! I hope you enjoy the visit...

I thought I should paint the little wooden table you see in the background , but I'm glad I didn't . I think  it looks great the way it is...I'm sure one day it will get a fresh coat of white paint like every other piece of furniture I own...

O.k     I must tell you about the great find you are looking at...I'm talking about the picture of our Lady holding the infant child Jesus...I went to pick up an old table I bought on kijiji , which I still have to do over ,  and I asked the lady if she had anything else for sale , she said" just an old picture"...And the rest is history...I absolutely love this picture it was most definitely meant to be mine...  

May our Lord Jesus bless you , and your loved ones this day!!!

Blessings Lori!!!

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