Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Adding Color !!!

Well hello friends...
Happy to be back blogging...
 I was a little under the weather today...
Home bored...But sick...
Got my camera out & took a few pics...

I'm having some fun adding a little color to my all white scheme...
This beautiful vintage pic didn't make it on the walls @ the shop...
I knew I had to have it, so away it came home with me...
I'm in love with her...
The antique frame is one I added later...
They are a perfect match...

A little sneak peak at a small addition I have...
How could they not make you smile...
The patterns & colors are sweet music to my ears...
Smile, Jesus loves "YOU"...

I never grow tired of this candle holder...
It keeps bouncing around from room to room... 

I like adding little crystals to my candles...
You can never have to much bling bling...

Another picture that didn't make it to the shop...
I'm loving all these muted tones in my living room...
Love & miss you mom...
My mom made it to heaven almost 3 yrs ago...
Her main goal in life besides being a great mom was to one day meet her Savior & she surely has...
If I could be as obedient with my faith as she was I would be all set...
Trying to live a christian lifestyle is certainly taking the narrow road...
Didn't plan on saying all that, oh well...   

Not much changes around here to report...
Getting a painter to come in very soon...
Painting my kitchen, entrance, hallway & dining room...
"Quilted" by beauty~tone (home hardware) style @ home collection...
Bye till next time...
Blessings Lori ~

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