Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Warming White ~

I'm back !!!

Wow what a busy summer...
 I must say I'm looking forward to the cool fall breeze...

Fall brings on...

Creamy Whites~
Rich Textiles~
Warm Textures ~

Enjoying some freshly picked Queen Ann's Lace , in one of my favourite milk glass pieces...  

You are Full of Grace~
Help me to be more like you...
"The perfect role model for all women"

Having a bit of fun with picmonkey...

I wonder what color will take turquoises place...
I'm guessing it will stay in the blue family, maybe a bit deeper... 

My little pass time...
A book
A magazine
Anything that involves some home inspiration... 

A flea market find
A special prayer to our Lady...
Blessings Everyone...
Please keep me & my new location in your prayers for my shop...

Blessings Lori ~

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Drop Leaf !!!

Hello my fellow bloggers...
 WOW summer is so so busy...
 I have lost my mind thinking I could post once a week...
 Run a household and a Business...

Reality Check!!!

I can't do it all...
But I'm trying ...
So here is a little post for you all to enjoy...
Blessing to you , as you take a few moments to browse this post...

This lovely drop leaf  table should be at the shop, but I said to myself it's coming home with me and I'm happy it did...
The little shabby chic dresser there before was a touch to small for this space & I think this table filled it up just perfectly, what do you think ???

I love the aged surface on this table, with the dark legs, the contrast is just right !!!
Not sure what style I have going on here ...
A little Shabby~
Maybe Urban Country~
Traditional Country~
Canadian Country~
I got it, it's just me...
All the things I love grouped together...

O.K am I boring you yet???

I think a new / old lamp from the shop will be making it's way to a new home , my home that is...
Bigger base, maybe glass, we shall see...
Keep you all posted...
Trying very hard to keep the treasures for all my fantastic clients, but you know how it is sometimes you just gotta break the rules...

Oh the green...

~ Perfect pop of green~

A hello from Matty...
Blessings friends...


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