Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Thursday, 2 May 2013

A Few Favorites...

It's been way way to loooooooong...
I have to start taking my camera to the shop so I can blog more while I'm working...
That was my original plan you know...
Well this is a start I guess...

Short & Sweet

 How can you ever get better then this...
Still available!!!
The perfect natural patina dresser I'm taking about...
  It's a beauty...
Trust me...

We have little
~ Angels ~
flying around the shop...

Loving the vintage fabric behind the old church window...
A simple little project for you to try...

It's that time of year...
Lots & Lots of painting happening these days at the shop...
Drop in & say hi
 maybe a hug too...

Hi Shell
This is an oldie...
Love this "Rusty Scale"...

The changes...
Our new little linen corner...
Linen, Linen & more Linen...
You just never know what you may come across...

~Lovely Sayings~
"Love Each Other"
If we all tried to love each other just a little each day
 this world as we know it would be a much better place...

Me & my hubby Chris...
Blessings All
Lori ~

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