Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Monday, 15 October 2012


A few changes ...
You know how it feels when your space needs an update ...

This time I don't think I got it right...

The wall with the "C" needs more...
I think it needs alot more,
more frames or something...

What do you think???

The sun was shining in this day...

I have a weak spot for white linen...
I think I need more of that too...
What do you think???

See what I mean, the wall still seems a little bare...
I'm needing a new/old dining room set too...
Sometimes we are just never satisfied...
And I'm o.k  with this one, needing a new dining room set that is...

I now have a white linen tablecloth on the table, liking that look a bit more...
For those of you that want to pull some white into your space, try a tablecloth, curtains, some white frames & mirrors and viola...
Oh & a candle or 2...
or 3 or 4 ...
The more the merrier...

 Mercury glass ...
Needing more to add to my collection especially for "CHRISTMAS" OOOOOO can't wait...

"Give us this day"
Love this saying for a sign

Our daily bread...

The sun peaking in again through the front door side lights...
We are very Blessed to have such a lovely bright home...
Morning sun all day in the front & evening sun in the back...
Can't go wrong with that...

This is a neat shot...
Looks like 2 pics but just the 1...

"Simply White"
I'm hooked...

I can see it now, in 5-6 weeks or so...

~Winter White Land ~

Thank-you all for visiting...
And a special big  big
To all my customers...
Blessings to you & all your loved ones...


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

keeping it real !!!

This is the end of the pics of my friends amazing home....
Enjoy your visit...

Her home is all about keeping it real...

Expect a Miracle...
Love this saying...

Simplicity at it's best...
This lovely old white ceramic vase is a Christmas gift I gave her last year...
And her gift for this year is already purchased...

Lovely isn't it !!!
 the white caning chairs are my favourite... 


The end of her home tour...
If your just stopping by for a first visit you can go back a post or so and visit the rest of the shots of her home...
Blessings Lori ~

Saturday, 6 October 2012

New Beginnings...

Please do not laugh...
What a long long week it has been...
But something amazing is happening , the shop is 99% ready to be opened...
Thanks to all my great friends & my very special aunts Shelley & Debbie who have helped me...
Talk about being  "OVERWHELMED"...

So hard to believe how far this place has come...

I was unsure of the wallpaper at first which was left behind from the former tenant...
However I decided to leave it up as it works well with the décor...

Putting up the window decals...
Shabby Chic...
Cottage Style...

A little sneak peak, of the Shabby Chic room...

Please stop in for a visit ...
Opening Oct 9th...

Happy Thanksgiving
Blessings Lori ~

More pics of the shop to follow...

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