Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Monday, 26 March 2012

Featuring Spring !!!

I adore the relaxed , laid-back feeling of this vignette...Stay for awhile and hopefully you will get inspired  !!!

Can you notice the little bit of patina showing on this lovely little cabinet , well this is my newest kijiji find  , and I must say I got it for a steel $20.00...That's right a whole $20.00 

A bouquet especially for you !!!

The little pillow is one I had made from an old white ladies skirt , very simple and inexpensive to make....

Eggs!!! A must for Spring...

An old vintage pillow case draped over the chair ties in with the color from the sign...I will be making several cushion  covers soon out of old vintage pillow cases , again an inexpensive project !!! 

This chair was the one in Jacob's room , I gave it a fresh coat of paint "Grey Mist" Benjamin Moore , my all time favourite color...I have used this color in about 75% of our home...  

Very happy to show you another member of our family "Matty"  My daughters best friend !!!
Sending Blessings from my home to yours!!!
I would also liked to thank you all for your comments that you leave on my blog...
Blessings Lori !!!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Fresh & Airy !!!

Combining a little "Green" in the mix...

Love the fresh garden feeling of adding little splashes of green!!! After all today is St. Patrick's Day!!!
I hope you all have a happy day!!! 

Do you notice my foot stool??? In the next pic you will see what it originally looked like , I had a great time transforming this $4.99 find...

My favourite thing to do is making something  that's not so useful into something beautiful !!!
O.k the next pic...

I was going to add fabric to the cushion part with pomp pomps , then I decided to do a little stencilling instead... The leather was also in great shape so I thought let's leave well enough alone this time , and I'm happy I did...  

May you find happiness & peace in the arms of our Lord !!! 

Light & Inviting...

Love being in any home that has a "French Country Style & a Shabby Chic feel...
This would be my hope for you when visiting my home!!!


For stopping by!!!
Blessings to you
and all your
loved ones on this beautiful day!!!

Monday, 12 March 2012

More Treasures !!!

My New Gift !!!

A few more platters to add to my collection!!!  

The brick wall in the background is visible from the front entrance and it wraps around into our living room , it sure does add alot of character!!!

I love the feeling of having statues of "Our Lady" in our home...This depiction is "Our Lady of Medugorje"

These wonderful treasures , would be my newest finds!!! One of the pieces was a gift , it's my all time favourite...Can you guess what piece it may be???   

My collection's keep growing & growing...But that doesn't mean you gotta stop loving them!!! 

Thank-You for visiting !!! Sending blessings from my home to yours!!!
Blessings Lori

Monday, 5 March 2012

Nighty Nite Jacob !!!

A room devoted purely to sleep!!!

Muted , soothing scheme ...

I think we have created the right mood in Jacob's room ... I'm happy with all the details ...

We have a # 8 hockey player in the family !!!

Hockey player by "Winter" & Golf player by " Summer"

The well used ladder was left at our home by the previous owners !!! 
The greatest of all these is " LOVE "
Blessings Lori

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