Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Monday, 28 May 2012

White Chairs...

Finally my old kitchen chairs sold on kijiji, so I was able to get a few more old ones & paint them...
I must say it's a more laid back feeling...
I like that feeling!!! 

Please forgive the artificial flowers, I new I would be crazy busy this week ...
So this post was done for you a couple of weeks ago when there was not so much freshness around... 

I stumbled upon this little antique store a few weeks ago...
High end stuff...
The opposite of what my shop will be...
But of course a high end feeling...
Guess what he gave me for "FREE" this old tool box, he could not believe I wanted it...
Should I paint it ??? 

I like the little Infant Jesus of Prague statue, got him at a tag sale last year...

Like this ...

And this ...

That's all for now ladies...
Next time will be a post of the new shop...
Opening this Friday...
Keep me in your Prayers!!!
Blessings Lori ~

Monday, 21 May 2012

Arranging & Displaying !!!

"Arranging & displaying your treasures"
What a great title for this post...
Because that's exactly what I have done here..
I rearranged & displayed my newest treasures...
Guess where they will be heading??? 

My flower box garbage find, some white paint & a little stencilling ...
I think it should sell... Do you???

Gotta get the mirror cut for the frame...
Wow it's very hard not to keep this mirror... 

My newly/not so new,  chairs painted ...
I love the look of old white painted chairs...

For those of you who may not have visited my last post, here is a huge update...
I'm opening a shop...
That's right a shop...

"Timeworn Treasures & Antiques"
Opening June 1st
Charlottetown   PEI 

Everything in this vignette will be for sale in my shop...
Except for the fresh "bleeding hearts" they will be withered away by then...

Lots of new blooms will be around for June 1st...
I'm so excited...
I can already smell & see the fresh lilacs...
Displayed here & there...
Oh the freshness...

Did I mention lately how much you fellow bloggers mean to me...
You all mean the world to me...

May God & His goodness Bless you all...
Lori ~

Monday, 14 May 2012

My Free Find !!!

My free buffet ...
From a Kijiji ad...
Wow was this in bad shape...
Can I make it presentable???
For it's new home...
I think I can...
I think I can... 

I think I can...
I can ...

I love this new piece, it will not be with me for long though...
At least not in my home...
This is going to be my "desk for my new shop"
That's right  "new shop"


Opening :   June 1st, 2012
I can't believe...
Wow God is good...

Our Lady," The Blessed Mother" has had her hand upon me every step of the way...

I'm forever grateful to her...

And I'm forever grateful for the "Cross"...
And I'm forever grateful to you , that you came to seek & save the lost...

A little reflection in the mirror... 

I enjoy layering white shabby chic frames, they just add a little warmth to any space...

Serene ~
Simple ~
Soft ~

I will keep everyone posted with more details regarding,
My business...
Please keep me & all my future decisions in your "Prayers"
This is a huge step for me...
It all started with a "Passion & A Dream"...

Blessings Lori ~

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Freshly Picked ~

Can't go wrong when grouping with threes...
Enjoy your visit...

These lovely tulips are growing in my back yard, thanks to the former owners...
Finally some freshness around here...
I have a few more little fresh goodies growing...

The color in the tulips inspired me to add a little yellow around the kitchen...
Amazing how one color can inspire a vignette... 

Changed the curtains and added some yellow dishes...
I think you know you are a collector when you can go rooting around your home and find whatever it is you need to make your post possible...
"Nothing wrong with being a collector"...


Another new platter, it's one of my larger ones...
Not a bad find for $2.00...
The little milk glass vases only cost me 25cents each...

Thank-you all so much for visiting, you are all a blessing to me...
Oh, and thank-you for the information on photo editing...
I love "picmonkey"...

Blessings Lori ~

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

A Centrepiece !!!

Tried to use my imagination today...
With some fresh flowers in mind...
Came up with a centrepiece for my table...
Not bad...
But I must say I am so lost without picnic...
Anybody have any suggestions for easy on line photo editing??? 

One of my favourite things to collect "white pitchers"...
I have some old ones & new ones too...
I enjoy mixing old & new...
How about you???

Check out the sparkle of the sun shining on the handle of the pitcher...
This was a beautiful day to take pictures with the sun shining through the dining room window...

Love how St.Theresa is faded into the background...
She is so beautiful...
If you remember my last post she was in front of a large mirror in my living room, I enjoy moving around main focal points from one room to another...
You know how it is always wondering what corner to improve next...
Are we all just crazy???
Mu husband thinks so...
I'm quite content that's the main thing, so they say...   

Just playing around with some props...

Oh I also love collecting all shades of white platters too...
Some have a little designs around the edges but most are just a solid color...
How about you???
I'm sure platters are on the top of your addiction list as well...

So let the sunshine in
face it with a grin...
Smilers never lose
and frowners never win...
So let the sunshine in
face it with a grin...
Open up your heart & let the sunshine in...

Simply Simple...

Blessings to all my followers...
This is the day the Lord has made
let us rejoice & be glad...
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