Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Hi Everyone !!!
Well we finally finished Mary Claire's bedroom...
~ Small Small Space ~
12 x 12
I wish
10 x 10
More like it, well we did the best we could...

The best decision of all...
Floors / wall
6' pine boards on both...
I love it...
Very cottagie (that's a word right)...
And the color
 Picked out by the little queen bee herself...
Canadian Tire "Duck Eggs Blue"
Totally a very different color then Home Hardware's
"Duck Eggs Blue"
Paint with built in primer the

My little princess
Mary Claire
Her prince

Love all the vibrant color's  in the quilt...
Very Vintage...

Her space went from a little
 Shabby Chic
 to vintage...
She's enjoying all the color...

White raised pom poms...
Love the look...
A pillow I made from an old chenille blanket, some time ago...
Wish I had time to do some more sewing ...
Don't think I see that in my future...
Oh well ...
Thank goodness for the awesome seamstress I found...

For those of you that maybe looking for the perfect light fixture,
I have an arrival coming soon to the shop...
"Timeworn Treasures & Antiques"
140 St Peters Rd.
Ch' Town PEI
Hours,  Mon - Sat 11-5pm
Sorry closed  Sundays...

Love this
Chippy Statue...
Sacred Heart of Jesus...
Given to me from a very special person God has put into my life...
He always has our best interest in mind...

Playing around with
Pic monkey...
A great way to edit your pics...

"C" stands for
This is her list...
Mommy said what about
Oh ya she says Jesus too...
~ Cute ~

Our backyard...
More snow now...

Bye Bye
Thanks for visiting...

May Gods
 Blessings & Peace
 be upon you all , as we get ready to prepare for lent...
Blessings Lori
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