Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Monday, 23 April 2012

Reflections of St.Theresa ~

A friend of mine spotted this beautiful statue of St.Therese on Kijiji.
I inquired , no response, then after a few days I assumed she was SOLD...
But ...Faith has a way of surprising us.
St.Theresa found me ...

No touch-ups required...
She came perfect with the pedestal included... 

"For me, prayer is a surge
of the heart;
it is a simple look
turned toward heaven;
it is a cry of recognition
and of love, embracing
both trial and joy."

"Let us go forward in peace,
our eyes upon heaven,
the only one goal
of our labors."
-St Theresa

Before her death, St.Theresa said,
"I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth,
it will be like a shower of roses...
And you will find many consolations."


St.Theresa, the Little Flower,
please pick me a rose from the heavenly garden
and send it to me with a message of love.
Ask God to grant me the favour I implore.
And tell Him I will love Him daily more and more.

Pray 5 Hail Marys, 5 Our Fathers and 5 Glory' Be's

Blessings Lori

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Little Softness...

A few more pictures of my bedroom for you to enjoy!!!
Thank-You all so much for your lovely comments on my last post...

Here in Canada we do not have our blossoms out yet , so here is a little project for you all to try...
Pick any kind of twig outside & just glue artificial apple blossoms randomly here & there to the twigs...
This gives a very natural look!!!
My cousin found this idea on Pinterest...
Happy she did...

This adds a little hint of color to my all white on white bedroom...

Love the textures of this pic ...
Just look a little closer, I can find seven or so different textures...
And I must say the shades of pink makes my room feel a little "Romantic"

Blessings Lori!!!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Faded Elegance !!!

Hello friends, this post has been a treat for me to do.My aunt is visiting and has taken along her best friend, (her professional DSLR/lenses).

God grant me the serenity...

10 pillows/cushions...That should do it...
My husband most certainly thinks so...

Having a little fun with photoshop...
I was blessed to have a good samaritan drop off the old farm house window...
I love how word gets around when you love old stuff...
May God Bless her & all my followers!!!
Blessings Lori

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Easter "New Life"

                                  Happiness this Easter for you and your loved ones...

It was a few days ago ,  when I put some thought into what I should post for you this Easter...My Easter tree came to mind right away... I had some fun taking the pictures but when I go to edit them I realize I'm only happy with the one shot , so there it is ... My cute little tree with the eggs my daughter  and I made last year...So obviously I would like to post more then one picture for you ,  so my mind is racing by now wondering what else could I do for you !!!

The Cross!!!
The Last Supper!!!
The Crucifixion!!!
The Resurrection!!!

I just picked up this old picture of "The Last Supper" It's the first one I own , and a nice time of year to find it...

It would be interesting to hear the conversations taking place on that "Holy Thursday Night"  

" God so loved the world  that he gave his only Son "

Let's make Jesus , the Son of God who died and rose , the foundation of our faith...
"Jesus , show me how your death has brought me life.I want to take hold of all your grace as I prepare to enter the Holiest days of the year.Help me to experience the power of your resurrection in my life today"                      
Blessings Lori
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