Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Roadside Pickup!!!

One of my road side pick ups,the perfect shade of blue and just the right amount of chips! Love this chair they are a dime a dozen but still gotta love it anyway...One old blue chair with a few different looks!

White shabby chic frames can make anything look good...!.

Christmas look!!!With one of my favourite white throws! You will come to find out I love to use all kinds of mercury glass in my decor....
Blessings Lori!!!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Decorating my #1 thing to do,enjoy...

I love to decorate with twigs from the out doors , I've also spray painted  some white as well...Very natural and inexpensive that's the way I love to do things...

My favourite road side pick up...The dresser can you believe it, New pulls and a good coat of paint.There will be more posted on the tree I made at a later date , and a Christmas album to follow...  Blessings Lori
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