Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~

Sunday, 27 January 2013

~ My Special Find ~

These beauties are my latest find...
I've been wanting a pair of old vintage cowboy boots now for quite sometime...
They are perfect...
A blue/grey with amazing pastel stitching & a white pinstripe down the sides...
Allan Jackson here we come...
Dixie Chicks too, and why not Kenny Chesney while we are at it...
We are getting some fantastic concerts here on P.E.I this summer,
and I can hardly wait to go...

This is way to funny...
 My daughter Mary Claire just came in the livingroom as I'm blogging with the cowboy boots on saying
"I'm the sheriff in this town "...
She is a riot!!!

Not just for concerts & dancing...
These beauties will complete many of my daily wordrobes...
A little Shabby outfit for you Leona...

 Lets get down to some home décor inspirations now ...


This white Ironstone sugar dish is a keeper...

I think this makes a romantic statement...
White frame~
White Ironstone platter ~
White Ironstone sugar dish~
Some of my favourite things...

~ Romance ~

Bring in some
 to your space
 lift your spirits
with some fresh roses...
I did it & it works...

A little popcorn chenille blanket hanging around in the background...
Another one of my favourite things...  

 ~There's no place like home ~

Thank you all for visiting
I pray that Jesus will shower you will all His love & protection this day...
And may Our Lady  (Mary) shower you with Her fragment of roses from above...

Blessings Lori ~

Sunday, 20 January 2013

All Things Lovely~

Thank you for visiting my blog~
Stay awhile & enjoy my families main living space...
Our living room ~

January's long month,
 always brings me to changes...

O.k I'm spoiled...
I just purchased 2 Ikea white slipcover loveseats...
I'm so excited to say the least...
I've been wanting these "FOREVER"...

Lovely they are~

Loving my favourite collection of Ironstone pitchers...
Trying to add little splashes of green & turquoise... 

This little beauty had to come home with me from the shop,
an old record cabinet ~

If you have any old chandelier crystals tie a piece of torn linen make a bow & voilà!!! 

Infant Child Jesus
Please pray for us &
 protect all our family members~

The white chest of drawers in the hallway is going in Mary Claire's room...
Her little space is all in shambles, getting new white pine boards on walls & floors...Can hardly wait till this project is finished ...

Lay back & relax ~
That's what this pic is saying to me & that's exactly what I'm doing as we speak!!! 

So thrilled to flip through the pages of this "AMAZING" book
The Feminine Home...
Someone let the secret out a special someone has ordered me my very own copy for my birthday...
I hope I can get it before March!!!
And I just happened to have fresh roses...
A special guote from the book~

"The beauty of a soul lies in the flower of it's production,
 so that one may produce a dandelion or a rose"


A project !!!

Thank you all for visiting
May God Bless you and shower you with His love this day ~

Blessings Lori ~

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Well I feel like I have been away "FOREVER"...
Things are crazy busy around here...
I'm sure most of you can relate to that...
Sometimes we just put to much on ourselves...

Hoping 2013 will bring a little more time for "ME"...

Not to much change around our main living space...
But there is going to be a huge furniture change soon...
I'm purchasing 2 white Ikea loveseats...
I can hardly wait, should have them within the next 2 weeks...

If your feeling like you need to update or brighten up your space...
"White is always right"
I'm sure I've said that a time or two before...

Timeworn Treasures & Antiques,
 has a great selection of all things white from
 picture frames, side tables, candle holders, dressers to pillows...
140 St Peters Rd.
Hours Mon - Sat 11 - 5pm
Sorry closed Sundays...

Our precious Matty..
It was a year at Christmas we had him...
Never thought it was possible for a little girl to love a pet so much, I'm sure there are days when they can talk to each other...

Somethings are just not meant for the shop...
This beauty had to come home with me, a fresh coat of paint and a few old vintage hooks and she's perfect...
And I think I have found the perfect home for her...

This is an area going down to the family room...
The beadboard was added during renovations... 

Quickly put a few little items on the shelf...
Probably by the morning something else will be on there...
You know how it is, always trying to make it just right...

A new "WELCOME" sign boast of a new white paint job...
Black/Brown and rusty looking before, still very nice just not quite right for our home...

This post has come to an end, hope you all enjoyed your visit...

Prayers & many Blessings to you and all your loved ones during this New Year...

Blessings Lori ~

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